Sunday, March 22, 2015

A "Hands-On" Spring Break

Next week is Spring Break for our household and we couldn't be happier! We have tons of exciting plans for the boys. One of these plans is to continue with some fun (and educational) work at home.  I was struggling with this a little because I wanted the boys to do educational activities that were different than what we do on a regular basis.  Well...My answer arrived in the mail today!

I recently had ordered several books from The Bag Ladies (I ordered mine from Amazon) and they were waiting for me at my doorstep today. These books are filled with tons of fun, "hands-on" activities that you can create with everyday materials that you find in your house and pretty much apply it to any educational content that you want to teach. I am excited to get to work and pick out what we will be working on this Spring Break!

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