Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mission Impossible: Veggies

"Veggies...yuck!" I know that I'm not the only mom who's ever heard their kids (or husband) say that.  In my house, it's a chore to try to get everyone to eat their veggies. As a matter of fact, it's difficult to get all of my boys (husband included) to start eating healthier.  My husband is a "meat and potatoes" kind of guy and my 5 boys take after their dad when it comes to eating.

This mom is on a mission...veggies will become a big part of our diet and I have a secret weapon...the SPIRALIZER.

Prep was easy. Just wash and cut of the ends off the squash and zucchini...voila! I also strategically sent my husband outside with the kids.

This is what the veggies looked like after being "spiralized".

My plan is to sauté what I am calling "pasta" with a little butter, garlic, and salt & pepper and adding some grated parmesan cheese on the top. I have my fingers crossed that it will be a win for mom!

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