Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Productive Weekend

Weekends at my household can be summed up in one word...BUSY.  Between grocery shopping, laundry, soccer with my oldest, keeping up with the house and spending quality time with the kids and husband, I rarely have time to do anything for myself.  This weekend was different. I found a little extra time (don't ask me how I got it, but I think it might have been help from above). I decided to take on a project that I've been talking about for weeks, but have never had the time to do it. 

A couple of weeks ago, a friend asked me if I wanted a chalk/dry erase board.  It was a little beat up, but I knew that if I ever got some time, I would be able to turn it into something special for my kids. Today was the day! And though I'm not 100% done, I made such progress.  

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