Thursday, April 9, 2015

A "Self" Spring Cleaning

It's that time of year again...Spring, and with it comes a little (or a lot of) cleaning.  I have to say that this year, though I have done some major cleaning within my house, I have come to realize that I am the one that needs a new start.  As I mentioned before, I am mom to 5 amazing boys all under the age of five.  Before this year, I was pregnant every year since 2009 and it took a toll on my body.  I never had a chance to shed that "baby" weight and every pregnancy brought on more pounds.  Needless to say, I am not happy with my weight and they way I look.  Since my husband and I have made the decision that we are fulfilled with out family's size, this has been the first time that I can start focusing a little more on myself.  First on my list...LOSING WEIGHT.  I am realistic and know that I might never get back my pre-pregnancy body, but I need and want to become healthy again.

My Spiralizer! I purchased my spiralizer a few weeks ago with the hope that I could be creative in how I prepared veggies for my picky husband and kids.  The more I incorporated this new found kitchen tool, I started to see that I was starting to lose weight.  Tonight I made a new recipe from my go to place for the best spiralizer recipes...the Inspiralized website.  I made Pasta Arrabiata with Carrot Noodles and it was a hit!

It's hard to believe that I am eating something delicious and at the same time I am looking out for my (and my family's) health and losing weight in the process. I have been so impressed with my progress (9 pounds so far), that I have now decided to incorporate these recipes for lunch and dinner with the hope that my weight loss will continue.  Best of all, I know that we are all eating something that is good for us. It's a win-win for our household and a new start for me in my journey to become a better, healthier self.

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